At our main store you will find that we are open 24hours a day for fuel services, we sell
Kerosene, Gasoline, Diesel, and Off-Road Diesel at our pumps. You will find that we
sell ETHENOL FREE Gasoline, and we shall continue to do so until we are forced to do
otherwise. As we state in our Credo “everything we do must be of the highest quality” in
our minds to sell fuel that has ethanol which can damage small engines, and older
cars is neither in our customers best interest nor of the highest quality.

Our main is open 24hours 7 days a week. Inside our main store you will find STIHL
Products, Plumbing supplies, animal care including horses, dog kennels and much

Our Auto shop is open 8am - 8pm 7days a week while our Truck shop is open 8am -
6pm 7days a week. At both locations we do oil changes, general repair, and HALF
PRICE state inspections.

Our auto shop offers full mechanic service including state inspections, custom exhaust,
tires, oil changes, transmission work, major engine repairs, and more. (Across from
Hardees in Covington, phone# 540-962-4400)

Our truck and heavy equipment shop offers a whole array of services such as truck
washes, in-frames, tires, all inspections (high-rail, DOT, State, etc.).  (Across from
Fisher Auto parts in Covington phone# 540-958-1683)

Currently planning on a long trip?
Make sure your tires are good! Not only is this a good
idea, we do this as a free service for you.
If you are interested in our services stop by! We do NOT require an appointment on
weekends or any day at our shops. If you would like to reach our company feel free to
call any of the following numbers

Main Store / Commercial Roadside Assistance at 540-962-1983.

Auto Shop at 540-962-4400.

Truck Shop at 540-958-9820.
Services We Provide